Yau Mathematical Sciences Center(YMSC)

Position Title: Assistant Professor
Position Type:Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:Beijing, Beijing, China [map] sort by distance
Subject Area: Mathematics
Appl Deadline:2024/08/10 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2023/08/10, listed until 2024/08/10)
Position Description:    

The YMSC invites applications for the Assistant Professor in the full spectrum of mathematical sciences: ranging from pure mathematics, mathematical physics, applied and computational mathematics, statistics, data sciences, artificial intelligence.The current annual salary range is between 0.4-0.6 million RMB. Salary will be determined by applicants' qualification. Strong promise/track record in research and teaching are required. Completed applications must be electronically submitted, and must contain curriculum vitae, research statement, teaching statement, selected reprints and /or preprints, three reference letters on academic research and one reference letter on teaching (Reference letters must be hand signed by referees).

Key responsibilities: 1. Conduct high level and original research in any area of mathematical sciences, including pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics and statistics. 2. Mentoring post-doctoral fellows, supervising PhD students. 3. Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. 4. Service to professional community and the University. 5. Facilitating international academic cooperation.

Skill Requirements: 1. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in mathematical sciences or closely related area. 2. Demonstrated academic reputation in one’s research areas. 3. Excellent publication record. 4. Excellent teaching record.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:

Further Info:
email address
HAIDIAN District,Beijing