List of Currently Registered Employers   [Comparative Politics]   []

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AcademicJobsOnline was officially launched in August, 2006. In the last 12 months, 2225 employers from 208 states in 42 countries have used the service for 4031 job ads (with 1027 ads-only, 472 encouraging URMs to apply, and 1705 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 14225027 times). On this server, 165845 unique users have logged in; 6390 applicants have been on the 'Job Wanted' list, with 1563 in the Minority Registry; 54453 have registered as new applicants (with 5207 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 44629 applicants have uploaded 397136 new documents; 44267 applicants have submitted 139615 new applications (with 8401 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 3.15 positions applied per applicant; 98850 reference writers have used the system, with 61454 reference writers uploaded 106823 new letters. The web server had 14761707 unique visits (among 175955220 hits.)

  1. AJO Demo Group (2026/04/07)
  2. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry (2025/06/06) §
  3. Academia Sinica, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (1) (2025/04/08)
  4. Ajou University, Physics/Condensed matter theory (1) (2025/04/01) §
  5. Arizona State University, Physics (2) (2025/04/01)
  6. University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics, Cheng Lab (2) (2025/03/06) §
  7. APCTP, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (2025/02/05)
  8. University Of Alabama, Physics and Astronomy (2025/01/31)
  9. Academia Sinica, Research Center for Critical Issues (2025/01/30)
  10. University of Alberta, Department of Physics (2025/01/18)
  11. APCTP, Office of Research Support (2025/01/07)
  12. APCTP, Observational Cosmology (2025/01/07) §
  13. APCTP, String Theory and QCD (2025/01/07)
  14. University of Amsterdam, Strings/Cosmology/Math.Phys (2024/12/31) §
  15. Ahmedabad University (4) (2024/12/22)
  16. Ahmedabad University, School of Arts and Sciences, Amrut Mody School of Management, School of Engineering and Applied Science (2024/12/22)
  17. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) (2) (2024/12/11) §
  18. Aix-Marseille University, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (2) (2024/12/01) §
  19. University of Alberta, Department of Psychology (1) (2024/11/27)
  20. University of Amsterdam, Institute of Physics (2) (2024/11/15) §
  21. Argonne National Laboratory, HEP Division, Theoretical Physics Group (1) (2024/11/02) §
  22. Ariel University, Physics (2) (2024/11/02)
  23. University of Alberta, Department of Computing Science (2024/10/27)
  24. APCTP, Interfaces and Defects Group (1) (2024/10/24) §
  25. University of Amsterdam, GRAPPA (1) (2024/10/09) §
  26. Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (1) (2024/09/27)
  27. University of Arizona, Physics (2024/09/25)
  28. AJO eDelivery Service (2024/09/24) send new eDelivery package
  29. University of Alberta, CMP Physics (2024/09/24) §
  30. American Enterprise Institute, Foreign and Defense Policy Department (2024/09/15)
  31. American Physical Society, Division of Particles and Fields (2024/07/28)
  32. Academia Sinica, Administration Office of Institute of physics (3) (2024/07/05)
  33. University of Auckland, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering (2024/07/05)
  34. Ariel University, Physics Department/High Energy Physics group (2024/06/21) send new eDelivery package
  35. Amherst College, Spanish (2024/06/15)
  36. University of Adelaide, Physics Department (1) (2024/05/28)
  37. Argonne National Laboratory, HEP High Energy Physics Division (2024/05/09)
  38. University of Amsterdam, String Theory Group, Institute of Physics (1) (2024/05/09) §
=institutional memberships, §=small research groups, ‡ 28 active job ads