List of Currently Registered Employers   [Accounting]   []

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AcademicJobsOnline was officially launched in August, 2006. In the last 12 months, 2223 employers from 206 states in 42 countries have used the service for 4008 job ads (with 1018 ads-only, 466 encouraging URMs to apply, and 1677 posted in the last 2 months; viewed 14391524 times). On this server, 165526 unique users have logged in; 6360 applicants have been on the 'Job Wanted' list, with 1552 in the Minority Registry; 54313 have registered as new applicants (with 5022 in the last 2 months) or updated their profiles; 44592 applicants have uploaded 397270 new documents; 44249 applicants have submitted 139657 new applications (with 7804 in the last 2 months,) with an average of 3.16 positions applied per applicant; 98796 reference writers have used the system, with 61409 reference writers uploaded 106747 new letters. The web server had 14761707 unique visits (among 175955220 hits.)

  1. The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law (1) (2025/04/23)
  2. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Physics (6) (2025/02/28)
  3. University of Hong Kong, School of English (2) (2025/02/15)
  4. University of Hawaii at Hilo, Computer Science (1) (2025/01/26)
  5. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Physics and Astronomy (2025/01/11)
  6. Harvard University, BCMP Summer Scholars Program (1) (2025/01/04)
  7. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chemical and Biological Engineering (1) (2024/12/10)
  8. Harvard University, Department of Physics (2) (2024/12/02)
  9. Huayi Boao (Beijing) Quantum Technology Co., Ltd., Research and development department (1) (2024/11/26) §
  10. Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Wei Wang Lab (active matter) (2) (2024/11/22) §
  11. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute for Advanced Study (1) (2024/11/22) §
  12. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Physics/Quantum Field Theory (1) (2024/11/17) §
  13. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(Guangzhou), Financial Technology Thrust (1) (2024/11/07)
  14. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Information and Computer Sciences Department (2024/11/01)
  15. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Psychology (2024/10/29)
  16. Harvard University, Statistics (2024/10/27) §
  17. University of Houston, University of Houston, Physics Department (2) (2024/10/26)
  18. University of Heidelberg, Theoretical Physics (2024/10/17)
  19. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, High Energy Physics (2024/10/14) §
  20. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy (2024/10/14)
  21. Howard University, Philosophy (2024/09/12)
  22. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKUST Research Assistant Professors Scheme (1) (2024/08/07)
  23. Haverford College (2024/08/03)
  24. Harvey Mudd College, Office of the Dean of the Faculty (2024/07/26)
  25. Harvey Mudd College, Center for Teaching and Learning (2024/07/26)
  26. Harvey Mudd College, Chemistry (2024/07/26)
  27. Harvey Mudd College, Computer Science (2024/07/26)
  28. Harvey Mudd College, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts (2024/07/26)
  29. Harvey Mudd College, Engineering (1) (2024/07/26)
  30. Harvey Mudd College, Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment (2024/07/26)
  31. Harvey Mudd College, Physics (2024/07/26)
  32. Hiroshima University, The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (4) (2024/05/30)
  33. Harvard University, CMSA (1) (2024/05/29)
=institutional memberships, §=small research groups, ‡ 29 active job ads